REMAR GROUP is proud to announce the launch of ITS latest addition to their growing list of our investment offers.
REMAR GROUP proposes a financial partnership to invest in various business activities within the group, issuing and structuring financial products based on the equity distribution between the business activities in support of all contracts signed.
The investor is not linked to the business activity where the capital will be invested. His result is assured by the bank guarantee and does not depend on the success or result originating from REMAR management.
REMAR GROUP proposes a Structured Investment Capital to support REMAR's activities and company development. To ensure our commitment, we offer the following investment:
Min. Investment: 5,000,000 USD
Profit: 40% per year
Period: 12 months
Guarantee of 140%
The investment is supported by an Unconditional Primary Bank Guarantee with a Fixed Maturity Date. Issued by swift message bank to bank of 140%, we guarantee the capital and profit will be liquidated directly in favor of the investor without delays and/or changes.
For more information or to invest with us, send your request to our Investments Department at